Einstein says 1=0, which is incorrect and invalidates relativity theory!

I had the opportunity to present my work with David de Hilster on August 28, 2021, entitled, Top Ten Insights That Disrupt Modern Physics, followed by a live Q&A session.  Here, I walk through my latest work on Modern Mechanics and how it helps to illustrate the mistakes found in Einstein’s derivation of the special relativity theory. We also discuss several experiments that show how Modern Mechanics stacks up against relativity. The presentation (with a few typo corrections) can be found here: Bryant.Top10Insights.08262021


  1. One commenter has suggested that the statement ξ=cτ is only valid when x=ct. This defense dismisses the mathematical equivalence of the statement that creates the ξ equation presented in Einstein’s work which is unconstrained by any independent variables associated with finding τ. Mathematically, when ξ is created from cτ using the equation ξ = cτ, the truth of this equation must always be maintained. The proof is fairly straightforward since cτ is equivalent to ξ = the sum from i = 1 to c of τ_i. Said another way, ξ = cτ is equivalent to using addition to find ξ, as in ξ = τ + τ + … + τ (where τ appears c times). Since ξ is created from cτ, the requirement for the equation to always be True is not negated by the way in which τ is found.


  1. This was a live discussion and I’ve found a few typos to math equations (which are corrected in the presentation attached above). Some of my verbals mistakes, (e.g., using “terms” where I should say “expression”, using “B” where I should have said “beta”) are easily recognized and the proper wording can be inferred via context or by the text on the slides.
  2. While deriving the energy equation I talk about orders of 4 and higher. The slide should show c^4 instead of c^2. My comments should be related to c^4 and higher in the denominator, not v^4 or higher in the numerator. This does not change the truncation, but for clarity, this must be called out. This is corrected in the revised presentation attached above.



Steven B. Bryant is a researcher and author who investigates the innovative application and strategic implications of science and technology on society and business. He holds a Master of Science in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology where he specialized in machine learning and interactive intelligence. He also holds an MBA from the University of San Diego. Steven is the author of DISRUPTIVE: Rewriting the rules of physics, which is a thought-provoking book that shows where relativity fails and introduces Modern Mechanics, a unified model of motion that fundamentally changes how we view modern physics. DISRUPTIVE is available at Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, and other booksellers!